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Information on organisation Department of Management and Marketing

Department of Management and Marketing
Katedra managementu a marketingu
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KMM 11140 katedra

Workplace management

Pilař Ladislav, doc. Ing. MBA, Ph.D.
Assistant manager:
Kvasničková Stanislavská Lucie, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Kreplová Irena, Ing.
Burkertová Radka, Ing.
IT Contact:
Pánek Pavel, Ing.
Rector Emeritus:
Hron Jan, prof. Ing. DrSc., dr. h. c.
Editor CV:
Pilař Ladislav, doc. Ing. MBA, Ph.D.
Garant oboru doktorského studia:
Štůsek Jaromír, doc. Ing. CSc.

Workplace members

Balcarová Tereza, Ing. Ph.D.
Bednarčík Zdeněk, Ing. Ph.D., MBA
Burkertová Radka, Ing.
Cífková Martina, Bc.
Cuřinová Michaela, Ing.
Čerkasov Jiří, Ing.
Dlouhá Gabriela, Ing. Ph.D.
Drahotová Kateřina, Ing. Ph.D.
Fiedler Jiří, Ing. Ph.D.
Gavrina Maria V.
Gotthardová Lenka, Ing. CSc.
Hájek Jakub
Hartman Richard, Ing.
Heřmanová Michaela, Ing.
Horáková Jana, Ing.
Hron Jan, prof. Ing. DrSc., dr. h. c.
Huml Jan, Ing.
Chalupová Martina, Ing. Ph.D.
Chocholoušek Michal, Ing. Ph.D.
Jadrná Monika, Ing. Ph.D., MBA, MSc.
Ježková Petrů Gabriela, PhDr. Ph.D.
Kala Václav, Ing. CSc.
Kolomaznik Michal, Ing.
Košuličová Monika, Ing.
Králová Anna
Krejčová Kristýna, PhDr. Ph.D.
Kreplová Irena, Ing.
Kříž Josef, Ing. CSc.
Kuralová Kateřina, Ing. Ph.D.
Kvasničková Stanislavská Lucie, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
LeBrun Tomas, MgA.
Lustig Zdeněk, Ing.
Macák Tomáš, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Margarisová Klára, Ing. Ph.D.
Mocová Michaela, Ing.
Moulis Pavel, Ing. Ph.D.
Mráčková Adéla, Ing. MBA
Oliver Petr, Bc.
Pánek Pavel, Ing.
Pasurai Freemen, MSc.
Petrík Vladimír, Ing.
Pilař Ladislav, doc. Ing. MBA, Ph.D.
Pilařová Lucie, Ing.
Pitrová Jana, Ing. PhD.
Platilová Vorlíčková Lenka, Ing.
Plichta Jonáš, Bc.
Prokop Michal, Ing. Ph.D.
Rojík Stanislav, Ing. Ph.D.
Sedláčková Marcela, Mgr.
Selby Richard, Ph.D.
Šrámková Adéla
Štůsek Jaromír, doc. Ing. CSc.
Tichá Ivana, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Traxler Arnošt, Ing. CSc.
Vogli Xhesilda, Ing.
Vokáčová Lucie, Ing. Ph.D.

Information on organisation

History of the Department of Management can be traced since 1952, i.e. since the establishment of the independent University of Agriculture in Prague and its Faculty of Economics and Management. Since its beginning, besides educating the students in the Economics and Management studies, the Department had been authorised to provide education in postgraduate scientific studies in the field of Cross-section (General) and Sector Economics (in Agricultural Economics), and it had the right of holding professorial proceedings. The diversification of education resulted in the introduction of a number of subjects which had been focused in two directions since the start - in a wider approach to business management and in the organisation of production. Consequently, subjects supporting the theoretical core of management and organisation emerged on the one hand (Theory of Management, later Cybernetics in Management), and on the other hand there were the subjects facilitating the application of general knowledge (Organisation of Work Processes, later Business Operation and Management, Planning, etc.).
The Department of Management belongs among the core departments of the Faculty of Economics and Management due to the contents and scope of its activities. It provides education in specialist subjects in most CULS courses which are directly related to the Faculty scientific orientation. The subject programme of Management is offered by the Department through a variety of specialised subjects from theoretical core up to the operational aspects of a farm business management and that in other agri-business enterprises with respect to the needs of the future graduates´ careers and in line with the University mission.
Educational activity:
The Department of Management belongs among the core departments of the Faculty of Economics and Management due to the contents and scope of its activities. It provides education in specialist subjects which are directly linked with the Faculty scientific orientation. The subject of Management is offered by the Department through a variety of specialised subjects from theoretical core up to the operational aspects of a farm business management and that in other agri-business enterprises with respect to the needs of the future graduates´ careers and in line with the University mission. The Department offers a total of 161 subject courses throughout the CULS studies. The education core is made up of seven compulsory subjects - Cybernetics in Management, Management Theory, Business Operation and Management, Personnel Management, Marketing Management, General Management, Prognostics and Planning.
Research activity:
The Department research is focused on management in a wider sense, on doing business problems, manager education, learning organisations, and on other topics which play their role in the analysis of the competitiveness of Czech agriculture and the related industries. The starting point for the management-oriented research has been the ´Source Approach to a Competitive Advantage´ for which the Department has been a responsible coordinator in cooperation with other Faculty departments. The Department of Management has been the most successful department over the recent 12 years in soliciting for external resources for financing the research activities. The research work of the Department has become an attractive environment for the studies of the growing numbers of PhD students. The PhD student numbers have been rising namely as a result of interest among foreign students.
International contacts:
The Department cooperates with practising businesses and institutions (farm businesses, enterprises related in other industries, and institutions of the cross-sector sphere) and it has well establihed relations with foreign universities (Wageningen Agricultural University, University College Cork, University of Aberdeen, SAC Aberdeen, University of Kiel, University of Plymouth, University of Gent, Sodortorns Hogskola, Université de Metz, Ohio State University, and University of Missouri) which are the source of invaluable exchange of experience both within the programmes organised by the Department and financed through PHARE and ERASMUS, and based on personal contacts. It was particularly the good personal contact which resulted in the new type of studies at CULS Faculty of Economics and Management - the ´International MBA in Agribusiness´.
Other activities:
The Departmenmt of Management organizes and to a considerable extent covers the much demanded graduate course ´International MBA in Agribusiness´. Among the other activities of the Department worth mentioning is the cooperation with concrete businesses ( farm businesses, enterprises related to agri-business, and other businesses and institutions), and the development of the well established relations with other universities which have been a source of invaluable exchange of experience both within the programmes coordinated by the Department and funded by ERASMUS as well as those based on personal contacts (Wageningen University, University College Cork, SAC Aberdeen, University of Plymouth, University of Kiel, ENESAD Dijon, University of Agriculture, Paris-Grignon, TU Munich, University of Gent, BOKU Wien, ESSES Institut Cergy Pontois).
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