A (1) | B (3) | C (8) | Č (1) | D (74) | E (2) | F (9) | G (3) | H (1) | I (7) |
K (5) | L (4) | M (3) | N (1) | O (1) | P (10) | Q (2) | R (2) | Ř (1) | S (12) |
T (2) | U (2) | Ú (1) | V (2) | Y (1) |
Workplace | Type | Code |
Study Administration Office | oddělení | 42901 |
Science and Research Office | oddělení | 42902 |
Science, Research and Doctoral Studies Office | děkanát | 51920 |
Sustainability and Development Office | oddělení | 99180 |
Service Department | středisko | 99780 |
Strategy Office | jiny | 99170 |
Science and Research Office | jiny | 99830 |
Sekretariat IVP | sekretariát | 61900 |
Student Affairs Office | děkanát | 51910 |
Studijní oddělení IVP | děkanát | 61820 |
Student Affairs Office | jiny | 99820 |
Secondary Special School and Farming High School in Mělník | jiny |