Scientific activity is concentrated on communities and populations of plants, invertebrates and vertebrates and their utilization from the viewpoint of bioindication, biodiagnostics and ecological monitoring. Special attention is devoted to air-polluted areas, lanscapes after mining mineral resources, protected and in other way valuable regions, to the problems of ecological loads and flow of xenobiotic substances in ecosystems.
Educational activity:
Department of Ecologyguarantees the teaching students on a full-time or part-time distance study basis at the Faculty of Forestry and Environment and also at other faculties of the Czech University of Agriculture in the spheres of ecology (zoology – FFE), nature protection and protection of environment. It happens on bachelor, master and doctoral levels. Annual successful educational excursions are organized for students in the Czech Republic and in foreign countries.
Research activity:
The research activity results from wide professional potential of the department and it is projected into autecological, demecological and synecological level. It can be determined by following groups of problems:
The relationship between a fragmentation change and a structure of zoocenosis and phytocenosis in the agricultural landscape
Demonstrations and consequences of ecotonal effects
Dynamism of chosen plant and animal metapopulations
Genetic diversity loss within endangered populations as a consequence of landscape fragmentation
The ecological trap phenomenon in artificially created environments and the biotope islands risk
The modelling of the landscape structure impact on predation and competition: the role of alternative capture and the biotope spatial structure
The species diversity changes in different types of agroecosystems and the identification of the species indicating environmental changes
The ecological succession impact on the structure and biodiversity of associations
The importance of different reclamation forms for conception and maintenance of valuable stands heading the biodiversity
The optimalization of forest stand composition of small forest fragments in agricultural landscape heading the bird and mammal species diversity
The importance of near-nature forests for biodiversity preservation, comparison production forest and near-nature forest
The methodology of forecast evaluation of efficiency of pollution sharp focuses sanitation and reclamation
The new approaches to identify and quantify the risks connected with environmental endurance
The evaluation of non-production effects of different reclamation methods taking in natural succession
The character changes of associations during the succession of spoil bank
The non-productive principals of sanitation and reclamation
The sustainable principals of species management – the invasive species management, the game impact on agricultural landscape ecosystems, the structural changes and the biotope adjustment according to ecological demands of rare or in other way important (key) species, restorative programmes, predator regulations, protection and management of endangered (group) species
The bird populations monitoring in CR
Birds distribution mapping in CR
International contacts:
Jednou z nejvýznamnějších zahraničních aktivit katedry je organizace zahraničních exkurzí pro studenty FLE. Exkurze jsou organizovány již od roku 1996, ročně se uskuteční 2-3. Celkem bylo zatím realizováno 24 výjezdů do 27 států Evropy i mimo Evropu (Turecko, Maroko).
Náplní exkurzí je především odborný program zaměřený na poznání nejvýznamnějších biotopů navštívených oblastí a významných chráněných území.
Pracovníci katedry se také aktivně zapojují do programu Socrates/Erasmus, pro školní rok 2006/2007 je navázána spolupráce s univerzitami v Německu, Švédsku a Finsku – náplní je především spolupráce ve vědecko-výzkumné oblasti. Pro školní rok 2007/2008 se připravuje několik dalších smluv.