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Information on organisation Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics
Katedra matematiky a fyziky
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KMF 31110 katedra

Workplace management

Jedlička Přemysl, doc. RNDr. Ph.D.
Assistant manager:
Hnátková Eva, Mgr. Ph.D.
Dvořáková Šárka, Ing. Ph.D.
Dvořáková Šárka, Ing. Ph.D.
IT Contact:
Dvořáková Šárka, Ing. Ph.D.

Workplace members

Batíková Barbora, Mgr. Ph.D.
Belza Radek, Ing. Ph.D.
Blahovec Jiří, prof. Ing. RNDr. DrSc.
Dvořáková Šárka, Ing. Ph.D.
Fišer Michal, Ing.
Gurka Petr, doc. RNDr. CSc.
Hejlová Anna, RNDr. Ph.D.
Hnátková Eva, Mgr. Ph.D.
Hora Jan, RNDr. Ph.D.
Jedlička Přemysl, doc. RNDr. Ph.D.
Jelen Stanislav, RNDr.
Kouřím Pavel, Ing.
Kozelka Martin, Ing.
Kulička Jiří, Mgr. Ph.D.
Lev Jakub, Ing. Ph.D.
Libra Martin, prof. Ing. CSc., dr. h. c.
Mrázek David, Ing.
Němec Petr, prof. Ing. RNDr. DrSc.
Nováková Veronika, Mgr. PhD.
Petrík Milan, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Sedláček Jan, RNDr. Ph.D.
Smejtková Andrea, Ing. Ph.D.
Šafránková Jana, Ing. Ph.D.
Wohlmuthová Marie, Dr. Ing.
Zholobov Maksim

Information on organisation

When the Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1952, which was the year of the Mechanization Faculty establishing, it had only four employees: Head of the department Prof. Mikan and RNDr.Rychnovský in charge of teaching mathematics, RNDr.Kroupa and ing. Řezníček for teaching physics. Together with the establishing of new faculties, ( the Faculty of Economics was established at the same time ), the number of teaching hours of mathematics and physics was increasing and a new subject was added - Descriptive Geometry. It resulted in rising number of staff members at the department. That expansion continued during the following years. There are already 14 proper members and 4 external members at the department in the academic year 2005/06. The most radical changes came after the year 1989 in pedagogical, scientific and personal spheres. The new study programmes were introduced at all faculties and the faculty of forestry was reestablished as a part of the university. Therefore it was necessary to make an innovations in both mathematics and descriptive geometry programmes so that they correspond with those new study programmes and with the new faculty; there were also changes in evaluation of passes and examinations and it resulted in publishing new textbooks. In the scientific sphere, theoretical research in different fields of mathematics prevailed. The new head of the department doc. Slavík, who was appointed in the year1990, engaged both experienced teachers with theoretical skills for internal and external cooperation and young teachers who had to start their doctoral studies shortly after. He also gives space to other teachers of the department so that they could get their scientific and pedagogical degrees. The biggest number of experienced staff allows broader cooperation with scientific institutes and other universities in this country as well as abroad. It results in scientific conferences organized by the Department of Mathematics CUA and participation of some members of the staff at similar conferences and at scientific fellowships abroad. The increase in publishing activities in both Czech and foreign scientific literature is a natural consequence. The bigger number of the staff has been enforced by increasing numbers of accepted students at all faculties and thus by increasing numbers of students' groups and teaching hours simultaneously in two or three parallel courses. The same situation can be seen in the combined studies.
Educational activity:
The Department of Mathematics provides the teaching of basic courses in Mathematics for all faculties of the Czech University of Agriculture. Nowadays, the department guarantees the teaching of 26 courses in bachelor study programs. The courses taught are really basic, as well as more advanced. Basic courses in mathematics at ČZU are taught in one semester for some specializations (Applied Mathematics for FAPPZ, Mathematics for specializations PaA and SYI at PEF, Mathematics for specializations BLES, BEKOL, HSSL and UTSS at FLE, Applied Mathematics for specialization RES at FLE and Mathematics for ITS) and in two semesters for other specializations (Mathematics I and Mathematics II for specializations PaE and Info at PEF, for all specializations at TF and for specializations BDREV and BKRAJ at FLE). The contents of these courses covers basic parts of differential and integral calculus and of linear algebra. In specializations ZT, SMAD, TTZO and TZS at TF, the course Mathematics III is taught, which covers the engineering applications of mathematics. Similar contents has also the course Mathematics III guaranteed by the department for students of the specialization ENV at FLE. The course with the same name Mathematics III, having however completely different contents, is taught by the department for students of the specialization Informatics at PEF. The contents of this course reflects the specific needs of the informatics students and is based on parts of mathematical logic, Boolean algebras and functions, principles of algorithmic solving of various problems and principles and methods of coding and decoding of information. Besides the courses mentioned above, the department guarantees also the courses Algorithmic and Numeric Calculations and Methods of Data Processing for the specialization IŘT at TF and teaching of the course Applied Mathematics in English. The department guarantees also the course Praktikum of Mathematics I and II for students of TF, which enhances their abilities of using basic calculation techniques.
Research activity:
The scientific and research activities of the members of the department are concentrated mainly on fundamental research in pure mathematics, nevertheless the applications of mathematics are also taken into account. The fundamental research is oriented mainly on algebra, mathematical analysis and didactics of mathematics. At the department, there is a group of well known algebraists who publish their results in renowned journals and regularly organize important international conferences. Other members of the department are working in mathematical analysis and didactics of mathematics. Applied research stems usually from particular needs of the technical branches of departments of the Technical Faculty of the Czech University of Agriculture. Members of the department concentrate their efforts mainly on applications of mathematics in technical calculations, in particular on finding suitable methods and use of software systems for calculations in technical practice. A specific field of applications is the area of didactics of mathematics, in particular the use of computers and preparation of suitable materials for teaching mathematics at CUA with help of modern communication technologies. The department also plays an important role in grant projects administered by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. Prof. Němec is a co-investigator of the grant GAČR „Structure of algebras in varieties“, whose holder is MFF UK, and doc. Gurka is a co-investigator of the grant GAČR „Spaces of functions, weight inequalities and real interpolation“, whose holder is MÚ AVČR.
International contacts:
Within the framework of scientific activities, the department has wide cooperation with many universities abroad, as e.g. University of Sussex (UK), Universita degli Studi di Udine (Italy), Université de Caen (France), Humboldt Universität Berlin (Germany).
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