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Information on organisation Department of Forestry and Wood Economics

Department of Forestry and Wood Economics
Katedra lesnické a dřevařské ekonomiky
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KLDE 43170 katedra

Workplace management

Dudík Roman, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Alešová Darina, Ing.
IT Contact:
Jarský Vilém, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Paduchová Martina, Bc.
Sloup Roman, doc. Ing. Mgr. Ph.D.

Workplace members

Ajala Seun Boluwatife
Alešová Darina, Ing.
Červená Tereza, Ing. Ph.D.
Červený Luboš, Ing. Ph.D.
Dudík Roman, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Holeček Ivan, MgA.
Hortenská Kim, Ing.
Hrib Michal, Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.
Huertas Bernal Diana Carolina, akad. soch.
Jankovský Martin, doc. Ing. PhD.
Jarský Vilém, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Kalábová Markéta, Ing. et Ing. Ph.D.
Kuba Václav
Kůs Aleš, Ing.
Mikešová Lenka, Ing.
Němec Martin, Ing. et Ing.
Neužilová Lucie, Ing.
Odvárka Zdeněk, Ing.
Paduchová Martina, Bc.
Palátová Petra, Ing. Bc. Ph.D.
Perunová Michaela, Ing.
Pulkrab Karel, prof. Ing. CSc.
Purwestri Ratna Chrismiari
Riedl Marcel, RNDr. CSc.
Rinn Radek, Ing. Ph.D.
Sané Mathy, Ing.
Sarvašová Zuzana, Ing. PhD.
Sloup Roman, doc. Ing. Mgr. Ph.D.
Šálka Jaroslav, doc. Dr. Ing.
Šišák Luděk, prof. Ing. CSc.
Villarreal Patino Luis David
Zumr Václav, Ing. Ph.D.

Information on organisation

Activities of the Department of Forestry Economics and Management are focused on evaluation of forestry effectiveness and profitability, organisation and structure of the department, pricing, positive and negative forestry control instruments, issues of forestry and environmental policies, general questions of forest and nature resources evaluation and selected aspects of environmental protection.
Educational activity:
Education is guaranteed by six full time academic persons (two professors, four PhD. assistants) and external lecturers (from other universities, business management and state administration).
Research activity:
Scientific research activity has been significantly extensive for a very long time. Activities are focused on the wide sphere of forest economics evaluation of forest production. The attention turns especially to the economic effects of management decisions that are in competence of the owner (for example choice of rotation period, choice of final economy, choice of the economic concept etc.).
The considerable ambition has been recently spent on problem solving regarding the economic impacts evaluation and the transformation of present economy models to models nature friendly forest maintenance. Among the priority tasks belongs a range of complicated section of forest evaluation in a long term. Within the Czech Republic there was elaborated a unique evaluation study of market product functions which is continuously innovated. The department has significant experiences with a financial rating concerning the socio-economic consequence. It is necessary to include into the analyse the afforestation of agricultural and fallow lands.
International contacts:
The Department of Forestry Economics and Management has although some experiences with external relations. For example a very unusual success is a participation of department people in four foreign grants – two projects within 5th programme of the EU, one project concerning the FAO Rome and the last one concerning the European Forestry Institute.
Other activities:
The department gives a significant attention to the cooperation with the business sphere. An intensive collaboration with the state enterprise Forests of the Czech Republic may serve a good example.
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