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Information on organisation Department of Forest Genetics and Physiology

Department of Forest Genetics and Physiology
Katedra lesnické genetiky a fyziologie
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KLGF 43130 katedra

Workplace management

Tomášková Ivana, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Assistant manager:
Stejskal Jan, Ing. Ph.D.

Workplace members

Banerjee Sandipan, MSc, Ph.D.
Čepl Jaroslav, RNDr. Ph.D.
Das Sreshtha, MSc. M.Sc.
Chakraborty Amrita, Dr.
Chludil David, Ing.
Chuchlík Jiří, Ing.
Korecký Jiří, Ing. Ph.D.
Lstibůrek Milan, prof. Ing. MSc, Ph.D.
Medzihorská Michaela, Ing.
Mohan Keerthana
Moitra Arka, M.Sc.
Pastierovič Filip, Ing.
Pilátová Monika, Ing.
Provazník Daniel, Ing.
Roy Amit
Sagariya Yobu Christi, MSc.
Sellamuthu Gothandapani
Stejskal Jan, Ing. Ph.D.
Tomášková Ivana, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Zádrapová Dagmar, Ing.

Information on organisation

Department of Genetics and Physiology of Forest Trees originated from the Department of Dendrology and Forest Tree Breeding, which started in conjunction with establishment of Forestry faculty under University of Agriculture Prague in 1990. In the early days doc. Ing. František Fér, CSc. was the first head of the new founded department until 1.9.1991. Up from this date on based on open competition for the position prof. Ing. Vladimír Chalupa, Dr.Sc. has led the department. On 1.1.2004 prof. Ing. Jaroslav Kobliha, CSc. became a new head of the department. Aim Department is structured in two main specialized groups – forest genetics and tree breeding; physiology of forest trees. Main subjects lectured by the department are Forest Tree Breeding, Population Genetics and Anatomy and Physiology.
Research activity:
Principal scientific area is forest genetics and tree breeding with interdisciplinary specializations. Physiology of Forest Trees has been evolving systematically in past years. Outline of individual specialization follows:
  • Breeding theory of forest tree species (quantitative genetics, breeding theory, mathematical statistics in genetics)
  • Breeding programs and strategies; application in forestry practice:
    • Low-input breeding strategies
    • Intensive breeding programs based on genomic selection
    • „Breeding without Breeding“, using the methods of pedigree reconstruction
    • Breeding programs based on hybridization
  • Population genetics of forest tree species; studies of variability based on morphologic, biochemical and molecular markers
  • Physiology of forest trees
Breeding of fir This Czech-American research collaboration is investigating interspecific hybridization among various fir species produced via control pollination for purposes of Christmas trees has existed for 8 years already. First attempts in this field took place in Czechia during 2006. This experiment is in the long run based on bilateral international cooperation between Czech Republic and USA. In this particular case there exists a concrete collaboration between Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (responsible researcher prof. Jaroslav Kobliha) and NCSU Raleigh (responsible researcher prof. John Frampton). Its aim is the development of newly bred material for specific needs of Christmas tree production. The core of the problem is, among others, large mortality in plantations of Christmas trees. Fraser firs are killed by root rot caused due to pathogenic impact of Phytophthora cinnamomi. All methods of treatment have failed. Based on testing a total of 32 species of fir trees from around the world, some exotic species with some degree of resistance were found, but they did not perform in conditions of the Appalachian Mountains. As a consequence, there is a search for their interspecific hybrids with Fraser fir, which will have a sufficient level of resistance, while also surviving environmental conditions of the Appalachian Mountains plus achieving necessary commercial parameters. So far, various hybrids were obtained, some of which have already been recorded commercially popular resistance under artificial inoculation with the pathogen. Resulting hybrid combinations should offer a certain degree of resistance to root rot. Preliminary results of current inoculations show some resistance among hybrid progenies. More testing must follow to confirm the hypothesis. „Breeding without Breeding“ strategy In the year 2005 revolutionary „Breeding-without-Breeding“ strategy was first introduced by prof. Yousry El-Kassaby (UBC Vancouver) and doc. Milan Lstibůrek (CULS). It brings a substantial simplification of the traditional scheme of breeding by eliminating of control crosses (substituted by open pollination in seed orchards) and reducing of expensive and labor intensive progeny testing. Molecular markers are utilized for pedigree reconstruction. The new methods were evaluated in terms of principles of quantitative genetics. Additional costs were minimized in model examples by the use of phenotypic pre-selection within test plots. Also an influence of pollen contamination on effectiveness of BwB strategy was evaluated. Results of these studies were published in top peer reviewed journals of forest genetics and are gradually implemented into forestry practice worldwide (France, Sweden, Canada, USA, South Africa). In the Czech republic a grant project NAZV QH81172 (2008-2012) for establishing of second generation seed orchards of Scots pine on basis of genetic markers was solved in South-Western Bohemia. Doc. Lstibůrek as a responsible researcher cooperates with Czech State Forests, s.e. Above mentioned grant project was narrowly connected with another Grant of ministry of Agriculture NAZV QH81160 – Economic effectiveness of forest tree breeding (2008-2012; responsible researcher – prof. Kobliha). These methods are applied also in the project of Czech technological agency TAČR TA01020512 – Utilization of gene resources of forest tree species for biodiversity conservation and reforestation by the Military Forests and Estates of the Czech Republic, s.e. (2011-2016; responsible researcher – prof. Kobliha). Association genetics of poplars Doc. Jaroslav Klápště is involved in association mapping of Poplar (Populus trichocarpa) during his postdoctoral internship by prof. Yousry El-Kassaby (UBC). His goal is to detect genes responsible for contents of various chemical substances in cell walls (holocellulose, hemicellulose, glucose, alfa-cellulose, and lignin) and to detect genes controlling the length and structure of wood fibers. The main target is to optimize chemical and structural properties of wood for cellulose extraction during industrial production of bioethanol. To reach this objective suitable genotypes or their combinations have to be selected. Optimal genotype will possess a higher percentage of lignin compared to cellulose and at the same time its wood fibers will allow smooth pervading of lignin degrading substances through the wood. This will at the same time increase the effectiveness of these substances and minimize their usage. Association mapping, although only recently used in forestry, has been frequently utilized in agriculture and above all in human medicine to detect the genes controlling occurrence of various diseases.
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