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Information on organisation Department of Veterinary Sciences

Department of Veterinary Sciences
Katedra veterinárních disciplín
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KVD 21230 katedra

Workplace management

Sedmíková Markéta, prof. Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.
Assistant manager:
Chmelíková Eva, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Řanda Jiří
Řanda Jiří
Kheilová Kateřina, Ing. Ph.D.
Krejčová Tereza, Ing. Mgr. Ph.D.
Vedoucí Výukové veterinární ambulance:
Lindová Alžběta, Ing.
Editor CV:
Pávková Dagmar

Workplace members

Cibulka Petr, Ing.
Daněk Ondřej, MVDr. Ph.D.
Engelen Jef
Frühauf Kolářová Martina, MVDr.
Ghodrati Sajjad, MSc.
Hauptman Karel, MVDr. Ph.D.
Horák Ondřej, MVDr.
Chmelíková Eva, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Jandová Vendula, MVDr.
Javorská Kristýna, MVDr.
Jiroušková Magda, MVDr.
Kheilová Kateřina, Ing. Ph.D.
Klusáčková Barbora, Ing.
Krejčířová Romana, MVDr. Ph.D.
Krejčová Tereza, Ing. Mgr. Ph.D.
Lindová Alžběta, Ing.
Lukšíková Sára, Ing.
Modrá Tereza, MVDr.
Modrý David, prof. MVDr. Ph.D.
Načeradská Martina, MVDr. Ph.D.
Najer Tomáš, MVDr. Ph.D.
Onyskiv Ivanna
Pandian Divakaran, MSc. BSc.
Pávková Dagmar
Petr Jaroslav, prof. Ing. DrSc.
Pilsová Aneta, Ing. DiS.
Pilsová Zuzana, Ing. DiS.
Pintus Eliana, doc. Ph.D.
Postlerová Pavla, RNDr. Ph.D.
Raušerová Leona, MVDr. Ph.D.
Ros-Santaella Jose Luis, doc. Ph.D.
Řanda Jiří
Scaringi Maria
Sedmíková Markéta, prof. Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.
Svoboda Miroslav, prof. MVDr. CSc.
Škorová Kateřina, MVDr.
Švajná Adéla, Ing.
Tichý Jakub, Bc. MVDr.
Tymich Hegrová Pavla, Ing.
Zahálková Tereza, MVDr.
Zelenková Natálie, Ing.

Information on organisation

The Department of Veterinary Sciences was founded in 1959 as a part of the University of Agriculture in Prague – Dejvice, the Czech Republic. During the schooling year 1963 – 1964, it was separated as an independent Department of Animal Physiology and Microbiology. In 1996, this Department moved from Dejvice to a new separated pavilion at Suchdol, where it is located till now. In 1966, the Department was joined again with the department of animal physiology.
Research and scientific work of the Department is focused on the development of reproductive cells, health and reproduction impairment in farm animals and on biological effects of heavy metals and their residues.
Educational activity:
The Department of Veterinary Science provides lectures on basic biological subjects, i.e. morphology and farm animal physiology for FAPPZ, PEF and ITSZ. Among the specialised subjects, the department provides lectures for FAPPZ, including, zoo hygiene and disease prevention, obstetrics, reproduction, insemination and cell biology.
Research activity:
Research topics of the Department of Veterinary Sciences are: Dynamic micro-morphology of gametes, early embryos meiotic maturation and activation of pig oocytes, biological testing of vitamins in poultry, the influence of heavy metals on animal organism, impairments of cow reproduction, and histochemistry of phytoestrogens
International contacts:
The University of Science and Technology, Lille; The University of West Hungary; Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences University of Tennessee
Other activities:
Department web sites
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