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Information on organisation Department of Languages

Department of Languages
Katedra jazyků
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KJ 11200 katedra

Workplace management

Kučírková Lenka, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Assistant manager:
Jarkovská Martina, PhDr. Ph.D.
Vlkovičová Radka, Ing.
Hotovcová Denisa, Ing.
IT Contact:
Sálus Martin

Workplace members

Adossou Frédéric-Thierry, Ing. Ph.D.
Dobiášová Kristýna, Mgr.
Drebitková Malá Alena, PhDr. Ph.D.
Dvořáková Milena, PhDr. Mgr. MBA
Elisová Kateřina, PhDr.
Goetschalckx Tessa, Bc.
Graves Julia
Hoffmann Albert, Mgr.
Homutová Kateřina, Ing.
Hotovcová Denisa, Ing.
Hrbek Ivan, Ing.
Hudousková Marta, Mgr. et Mgr.
Ivanov Ivo, Mgr.
Jacques Daniel
Jarkovská Martina, PhDr. Ph.D.
Kolthofová Eva, PhDr. Mgr.
Kšandová Drahoslava, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Kučírková Kristýna, Ing. MSc.
Kučírková Lenka, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Lustigová Lenka, Mgr.
Maleninska Evgenia, Mgr. Ph.D.
McKeown John
Mineiro Goncalves Joao Pedro
Moynihan Brian
Mrva Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.
Norton Kristy
Peroutková Michaela, Mgr. Ph.D.
Prachařová Jitka, PhDr.
Sálus Martin
Sedláčková Olga, Mgr.
Singh Vivek Vikram
Songová Fengman, Bc.
Vlkovičová Radka, Ing.
Žemličková Magdalena, PhDr.

Information on organisation

The Department of Languages was set up in 1990 following the merger of the Departments of Slavonic and Non-Slavonic Languages.
The Department of Lanaguages in line with the European Language policy principles and with the CULS Prague strategic development has been focused at the education of specialists capable of following and studying materials in foreign languages (FL), to obtain information in foreign languages and to use it in communication not only in everyday life but particularly in specialist situations. The department staff maintains that foreign language skills are among the most important elements in mutual understanding, in European integration, employment and mobility.
Educational activity:
Our teaching activities have been aimed at achieving the principles given above, i.e. that mutual understanding within the European region requires education in foreign languages in a wider scale - namely English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Czech as a Foreign Language. The courses are divided in different levels of proficiency which are complemented with specialist FL courses for different CULS faculties. The areas of studies are linked with specialist language studies and European integration and they are aimed at preparing the students for studies abroad, for an active role at international conferences and in negotiations, and ultimately they are aimed at the students´ future careers in foreign companies and institutions. Among such areas are Economics and Management, IT, or Business and Administration with extended FL education. The students specializing in such areas of studies enjoy lectures by foreign visiting professors, and they participate in large numbers in 1 - 2 semester-long placements at partner universities abroad. Such areas of studies are completed by a State Final Examination in a complex subject of ´Foreign Specialist Language´. The FL Department also provides an intensive course in French for European Agrarian Diplomacy.
Currently a team of 33 staff provide FL teaching for the whole of the University, both in the on-campus and combined forms for a total of 10 910 undergraduate students and 780 PhD-course students. The syllabi of 107 subjects on offer are available at the CULS website.
Research activity:
In research and science the Department participates in the KZE Research Project - Efficient Integration of Czech Agrarian Sector in European Structures (MSM 41100013), and also in the KHV research Project - Social and Regional Rural Development in Czech Republic (MSM 41100011). The main focus is on FL specialist terminology within these projects whose ultimate output provided by the Department should be FL dictionaries of relevant sciences. Further research grants have been realized successfully, such as FRVŠ, IGA, PEF, MŠMT.
International contacts:
The Department has been making every effort in creating opportunities for student and staff mobility within the EU programmes, particularly SOCRATES / ERASMUS. The student and staff mobility has been materialized through bilateral agreements between the FL Department and the following partner universities: - HU zu Berlin, ENSA Montpellier - UP Valencia - EUEE Sevilla - Instituto Politécnico do Porto - University of Plymouth - FH Niederrhein
Other activities:
The FL Department has been repeatedly entrusted the MŠMT Grant for a three-week summer school of the Erasmus Intensive Language Courses - Czech Language. The first course took place in August/September 2002 with 24 students from Germany, France, Finland, Sweden and Italy. The second course in 2003 attracted 43 participants from Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands and Austria, and in 2004 we had the pleasure of teaching 44 participants from Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Bulgaria and Poland. ° Preparing teaching materials for distance studies in virtual environment. ° Introducing new study specializations in connection with specialist language training and European integration. ° In this respect, cooperation with other specialist departments is necessary and useful. A wider cooperation has been developed with the CULS Departments of Management, Economics, Humanities, Statistics, and Economic Theories. ° The Department has been working on curriculi of specialist foreign languages at schools of higher learning of non-linguistic character, it is also represented in international linguistic institutions, in the main committee of the Czech Association of European Studies and in CERCLES, the international language organisation whose main task has currently been the work on the European Language Portfolio for schools of higher learning which should shortly become an integral part of the personal data of students and university staff for the purpose of mobility within EU.
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