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Information on organisation Department of Statistics

Department of Statistics
Katedra statistiky
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KS 11170 katedra

Workplace management

Hlavsa Tomáš, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Assistant manager:
Pacáková Zuzana, Ing. Ph.D.
Procházková Radka, Ing. Ph.D.
Matějková Ivana, Ing.
IT Contact:
Hošková Pavla, Ing. Ph.D.

Workplace members

Ahmadniay Motlagh Maryam
Dlubalová Zuzana, Ing. Ph.D.
Hlavsa Tomáš, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Hloušková Zuzana, Ing.
Hošková Pavla, Ing. Ph.D.
Jindrová Andrea, Ing. Ph.D.
Kislingerová Sofie, Ing.
Köppelová Jana, Ing. Ph.D.
Matějková Ivana, Ing.
Mošna František, RNDr. Ph.D.
Pacáková Zuzana, Ing. Ph.D.
Prášilová Marie, doc. Ing. CSc.
Procházková Radka, Ing. Ph.D.
Schwarzová Lucie, Ing.
Sirohi Jitka, Ing. Ph.D.
Špička Jindřich, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Štěbeták Michal, Ing.
Tomšík Karel, Ing.
Žovincová Anna, Ing. Ph.D.

Information on organisation

Straight since the year of PEF (Faculty of Economics and Management) of VSZ in Prague (Czech University of Agriculture) founded in 1952, one of the courses taught was Agricultural Statistics, at the beginning still within the Department of Agricultural Economics. Next the Department of Statistics and Accountancy was established in 1959 under supervision of Ing Josef Fojtl. Selection of courses taught was expanded by the course in General Statistics, offering an overview of elementary statistical methods and preparing space for later reinforcement and development of teaching in the sense of mathematization. During the years following expansion of teaching statistics and biometrics occurred towards the Faculty of Agronomy and Faculty of Mechanization. Since 1961 a special team for statistical data processing was assigned within the Department of Statistics, serving not only the needs of teaching and research of the Department, but other University bodies as well. By the beginning of the Seventies a new branch of study was founded within the PEF, namely “Automatizovane Systemy Rizeni” (Automated Management Systems, equivalent to Fundamentals of Computer Science). The Department received a comparatively large space within this study branch for teaching courses on Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics and Economics Statistics. At the same time teaching of Statistics in the Economics and Management branch curricula was expanded to two semesters and new math-statistical chapters were included. Currently the Department covers teaching of statistical courses in PEF and TF.
The Department of Statistics is the substantive department of the CZU for all teaching and research activities within the areas of mathematical statistics, probability theory, computing statistics, biometrics and financial and actuarial (insurance) mathematics. In educational activities it pays attention to the development of teaching and presentation of a wide scope of math-statistical disciplines, inclusive of application of the statistical programme systems (packages) in social-economic, technical, agricultural and financial areas.
Educational activity:
The Department is the guarantor of teaching all the statistical and probabilist courses, same as courses of financial and actuarial mathematics, included in the curricula of the Bachelor-, Master- and Doctoral degrees study in PEF and the Faculties of Mechanization. As a rule it guarantees the preparatory course of high school maths for the admission exam candidates at PEF as well as the maths admission exam proper. It participates in Third Age University teaching, too. The Department pays proper attention to the operation of applied statistical software and the computing statistics teaching, inclusive of the Data Mining techniques. The SAS system is exploited in teaching, which offers a wide choice of statistical procedures programmes, since 2002 the STATISTICA System by Statsoft and since 2006 the SPSS programme system.
Research activity:
Research and publishing activities of the Department are currently concentrated at application of statistical methods in collection, exploitation and processing of external data with attention to current topical problems of the socio-economic practice in the agrarian area. Attention is paid to compatibility with the EU standards. This way of interest tightly connects the Department’s efforts to the solution of grant assignments both external and internal (NAZV, GA CR, PEF and CZU grant agencies). Publishing activities by the Department are often connected with the Department’s participation in conferences and seminars both domestic and foreign.
International contacts:
In this domain the Department co-operates mainly with European universities and institutions like eg., Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, EU European Academy in Berlin, BOKU in Vienna, Gembloux University (Belgium), Cracow University, Univerzita Rolnicza in Stettin, Warsaw University, ETH Zurich, FOA in Rome, ENITA Dijon (France) and School of Business Administration in California State University Sacramento (USA).
Other activities:
The Department is also involved in offering consulting services, inclusive of experimental design, survey size design, appropriate statistical methodology selection, assistance at interpretation and presentation of research outcomes, participation in processing of statistical parts of research projects and organisation of short-term instruction courses for users of available statistical packages. Consulting activities are aimed both at the University environment and at professional public and co-operating organisations (e.g., Ministry of Agriculture of CR, Agricultural Economics Research institute (VUZE), Czech Statistical Office (CSU), Czech Statistical Society, Biometrics Committee of the Czech Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry (MZLU) in Brno, Livestock Production Research Institute (VUZV) in Prague-Uhrineves, Agricultural Technology Research Institute (VUZT) in Prague-Ruzyne.
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