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Information on organisation Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology
Katedra psychologie
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KPs 11220 katedra

Workplace management

Rymešová Pavla, PhDr. Ph.D.
Assistant manager:
Chýlová Hana, PhDr. Ph.D.
Michálek Pavel, Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.
Kopecká Marta
IT Contact:
Michálek Pavel, Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.
Michálek Pavel, Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.

Workplace members

Berčík Jakub, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Bobková Eva, doc. Mgr.
Heller Daniel, PhDr.
Chýlová Hana, PhDr. Ph.D.
Kopecká Marta
Michálek Pavel, Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.
Natov Pavel, Ing. Bc. Ph.D.
Natovová Ludmila, PhDr. Ph.D.
Rymešová Pavla, PhDr. Ph.D.

Information on organisation

The department of psychology at University of Life Science in Prague was established in May 1990 at Faculty of Economics and Management and since then it pedagogically works at whole ULS.
The Department of Psychology is a dynamic workplace dedicated to pedagogical, counselling and scientific research activities.
Educational activity:
In pedagogical process it offers the knowledge about man as an individual and about position of man in organization (in form of social-psychology training students acquire social skills important for achievement in their profession; application of creative methods, etc.). Department of Psychology subjects are essential profile subjects of FEM (management, economics, business, etc.) and elaborative subjects of all ULS faculties. During education process is great emphasis laid on exploitation of active methods and social learning methods that have their utilisation in participation in semestral team-work, as well.
Research activity:
Scientific research activity has been evolved already since 1990, in cooperation with Iowa State University in Ames, USA. American-Czech research team obtained grants from National Institute of Mental Health for years 1993 - 1996 in the value of 1 506 950 CZK, and for years 1997 - 1999 in the value of 1 290 423 CZK. Coffers were utilized on purchase of computer technology, on pay-rolls, quittances, faculty needs. At present time the research project „Development of skills for intercultural understanding and cooperation" is being solved by Department of Psychology - grant of the Jan Hus endowment. The Department of Psychology's involvement in the research design “The source access to the construction of competitive advantage”, guaranteed by The Department of Management of FEM, is substantial. For entrance examinations at FEM in academic year 2000/2001 The Department of Psychology created a Test of educational prerequisites, which was with success applied also in following years. In the year 2002 The Department of Psychology joined - as a co-researcher- the developmental grant of The Department of Management. In the year 2003 The Department of Psychology succeeded with three grants, two annual ones from FRVS focused at enlargement of psychological counselling centre in www environment and at the creation of multimedia support of subject The psychology of personality and social psychology and one triennial from GACR “Work motivation and quality of working life at Czechcountryside”. The Department of Psychology researched two grants from FRVS. Their orientation is “Multimedia support of subject The social communication and rhetoric” and “Modernization of psychological lecture room”. Now researche three new grants from FRVS - Psychological laboratory; Multimedia support of subject The traffic psychology; Multimedia support of subject The psychology at work and ethics. The Department of Psychology's professional accomplishments are regularly presented at international conferences.
International contacts:
Katedra spolupracuje s Univerzitou v Tillburgu v Holandsku na výzkumu komunikace mezi kulturami, zejména s emeritním profesorem Geertem Hofstedem, předním světovým odborníkem této výzkumné oblasti. V rámci antropologického výzkumu se zaměřuje na území postsovětských republik, spolupráce se rozvíjí zvláště s univerzitami v Kazachstánu, Turkmenistánu a Tádžikistánu.
Other activities:
Apart from standard educational duties The Department of Psychology offers to students, pedagogues and other school employees psychological consultancy. Forms for them sort of buffer zone at time of personal crisis, major stress, educational failure and other problems. At present time it occurs, above all, in form of individual consultation. However, The Department of Psychology also received a grant for processing of web pages that will facilitate and ease the flexible and fast contact.
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