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Information on organisation Department of Information Technologies

Department of Information Technologies
Katedra informačních technologií
Abbreviation Code Workplace type
KIT 11150 katedra

Workplace management

Vaněk Jiří, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Assistant manager:
Šilerová Edita, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Jarolímek Jan, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Suchá Melanie
IT Contact:
Benda Petr, Ing. Ph.D.

Workplace members

Ambruz Pavel, Ing.
Anderle Michael, Ing. MBA
Benda Petr, Ing. Ph.D.
Borovský Petr, Ing. Mgr.
Brabec Miroslav, Ing.
Burešová Tereza, Ing.
Cihelka Petr, Ing.
Čupić Stipan, Ing. Ph.D.
Galba Alexander, RNDr.
Havránek Martin, Ing. Ph.D.
Hellerová Ivana, Ing.
Hřebejková Jana, Ing.
Jarolímek Jan, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Jungwirth Miroslav, Ing.
Kánská Eva, Ing. Ph.D.
Kholová Jana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Kubata Karel, Ing. Ph.D.
Lohr Václav, Ing. Ph.D.
Lukáš Martin, Ing. Ph.D.
Masner Jan, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Mikeš Vojtěch, Ing.
Novák Vojtěch, Ing. Ph.D.
Očenášek Vladimír, Mgr. Ing. Ph.D.
Pavelka Miroslav, Ing.
Pavlík Jan, Ing. Ph.D.
Poláček Lukáš, Ing.
Prokopová Štěpánka, Bc.
Sabou John Phillip, MSc, Ph.D.
Samek Jakub, Ing.
Stehlík Zdeněk, Ing.
Stočes Michal, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Suchá Melanie
Šilerová Edita, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Šimek Pavel, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Šimpachová Pechrová Marie, Ing. Ph.D.
Vaněk Jiří, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Vasilenko Alexandr, Ing. Ph.D.
Vašák Jakub, Ing.
Veselý Jan, Bc.
Vihanová Kateřina, Ing. Ph.D.
Vokoun Tomáš, Ing.
Voral Vladimír, Ing.

Information on organisation

Historically, this Department originated from the Department of Accounting and Finances. Progressively, subjects related to information systems and their designs became dominant over accounting and, therefore, in 1980 the name of the Department was changed to the Department of Information Systems and Utilization of Computers (KISVP). As a result of continuously increasing specialisation, this unit was in 1991 divided into the Department of Informatics (KI) and Department of Commerce and Finances (KOF). In 1998 the Department of Informatics was further subdivided into three independent units: Department of Information Technologies (KIT), Department of Information Engineering (KII), and the Centre of Information Services (SIS).
Department of Information Technologies (KIT) objectives are: pedagogical activities, scientific research activities, advisory service, and cooperation with companies and central institutions. This orientation places it amongst the profile departments of the Faculty of Economics and Management (PEF), Czech University of Agriculture in Prague. The specialised and educational (pedagogical) activities at the Department are provided by 14 teachers, 3 technicians and 12 PhD students. KIT also cooperates with a number of external workers and specialists in the area of ICT. The main mission of KIT is training of specialists and scientific research in the area of information and communication technology applications for the management of social and economic processes.
Educational activity:
KIT provides all-university subjects of Informatics I. and Informatics II., as well as another 5 specialised subjects at the Bachelor level of study at PEF. At the Magister level of study, the Department provides several compulsory subjects and 3 complex subjects (eg the Internet and network technologies) and it also offers 5 optional subjects, which allow a narrow specialisation in the field of ICT. The Department provides 4 specialised subjects within the framework of PhD study programmes. More details on teaching of individual subjects are available on our dedicated server: kit.pef.czu.cz
Research activity:
KIT research focuses predominantly on the following areas: Information Management - application of new information and communication technologies in agrobusiness e-learning - systems for the support of teaching mobile communications in rural environment portal solutions - development of an agrarian www portal for Agris.cz the Interent technologies and web design - Java and XML electronic trading (e-commerce) security of information systems and their safeguarding The Department facilitates an annual international workshop on a current topic, eg in 2004 the topic was the Internet and Information Systems.
International contacts:
The Department cooperates with several partnership institutions abroad. The main partners include: INA Paris-Grignon and ENESAD Dijon (France), FUSAGx Gembloux (Belgium), University of Tampere (Finland), University of Thessaly (Greece).
Other activities:
KIT cooperates with principal companies in the field of ICT (HP, Microsoft, Novell, IBM, etc). It is also developing cooperation with VŠE (University of Economics), MZLU (Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry) in Brno, SPU (Slovak Agricultural University) Nitra, VÚZE (Research Institute of Agricultural Economics), ČAZV (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences), ČSÚ (Czech Statistical Office), ČSSI (Czech Society for System Integration), and other partners. Other functions of KIT also include intensive advisory and consultation activities in ICT area, facilitating ICT courses within the framework of life-long education, and ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) courses.
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