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Ing. Roman Juras, Ph.D. (11666)

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JENICEK Michal; DUTTA Riya; PRADHAN Rajani Kumar; PAPALEXIOU Simon Michael; VARGAS GODOY MIJAEL RODRIGO; MARKONIS Ioannis; RAKOVEC Oldřich; BEŠŤÁKOVÁ Zuzana; KYSELÝ Jan; JURAS Roman a HANEL Martin. Water cycle changes in Czechia: a multi-source water budget perspective. Online. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. European Geosciences Union Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, roč. 28 (2024), s. 1-19. 1027-5606 Dostupné z: 10.5194/hess-28-1-2024

10 Ways to Love Svalbard - , 2024


{authors}. {title}. {format} {edition}. {place}{publisher}, {year}, {pages}, {isbn} {doi}

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Praha 6, Suchdol, Blue Beatle s.r.o., Smolotely, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Praha 6, Dejvice. Zadešťovací simulátor s automatickým řízením. JURAS Roman a PAVLÁSEK Jiří. 37249. Uděl.: 2023-08-21.

SOUČKOVÁ, M. – JURAS, R. – DYTRT, K. – MORAVEC, V. – BLÖCHER, J. – HANEL, M. What weather variables are important for wet and slab avalanches under a changing climate in a low-altitude mountain range in Czechia?. Natural Hazards nad Earth System Sciences, 2022, roč. 22, č. , s. 3501-3525. ISSN: 1561-8633.

**VYSTAVNA, Y. – **PAULE-MARCADO, M. – JURAS, R. – **SCHMIDT, S. – **KROPÁČEK, J. – **HEJZLAR, J. – **HUNEAU, F. Effect of snowmelt on the dynamics, isotopic and chemical composition of runoff in mature and regenerated forested catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, roč. 598, č. 126437, s. 1-12. ISSN: 0022-1694.

**STEBEL, K. – **STACHLEWSKA, I. – **NEMUC, A. – **HORÁLEK, J. – **SCHNEIDER, P. – **AJTAI, N. – **DIAMANDI, A. – **BENEŠOVÁ, N. – **BOLDEANU, M. – **BOTEZAN, C. – **MARKOVÁ, J. – **DUMITRACHE, R. – **IRIZA-BURCA, A. – JURAS, R. – **NICOLAE, D. – **NOVOTNÝ, P. – **STEFANIE, H. – **VANĚK, L. – **VLČEK, O. – **ZAWADZKA-MANKO, O. – **ZEHNER, C. SAMIRA-SAtellite Based Monitoring Initiative for Regional Air Quality. Remote Sensing, 2021, roč. 13, č. 11, s. 1-23. ISSN: 2072-4292.

JURAS, R. – BLÖCHER, J. – **JENÍČEK, M. – **HOTOVÝ, O. – MARKONIS, I. What affects the hydrological response of rain-on-snow events in low-altitude mountain ranges in Central Europe?. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, roč. 603, č. C, s. 1-12. ISSN: 0022-1694.

JAČKA, L. – **VALTERA, M. – JURAS, R. – **DEUTSCHER, J. – **HEMR, O. – PAVLÁSEK, J.Vliv mikroreliéfu na preferenční proudění a podpovrchový odtok v lesní půdě: studie s využitím simulovaného deště a barevného stopovače. 2020, Jačka L., Valtera M., Juras R., Deutscher J., Hemr O., Pavlásek J. 2020. Vliv mikroreliéfu na preferenční proudění a podpovrchový odtok v lesní půdě: studie s využitím simulovaného deště a barevného stopovače. In: Balková M., Kučera A., Samec P. (eds.), Dny o Zemi …o půdě a krajině. Mendelova univerzita v Brně: 155 s. ISBN (print) 978-80-7509-766-8, ISBN (online) 978-80-7509-767-5. .

JURAS, R. – BLÖCHER, J. – **JENÍČEK, M. – MARKONIS, I. – **LEDVINKA, O.Protective function of the snowpack during rain-on-snow events. 2020, Table of content Conference Program Overview ..................................................................................................................... 6 Abstracts of the conference ........................................................................................................................ 14 Snow Remote Sensing ................................................................................................................................ 15 Session 1: Snow cover dynamics - temporal and spatial variability ........................................................... 15 Session 2: Snow cover dynamics- temporal and spatial variability ............................................................ 18 Poster session: Snow remote sensing & experimental research ................................................................ 23 Session 3: Remote Sensing of Snow Properties .......................................................................................... 34 Session 4: Remote Sensing of Snow Properties .......................................................................................... 39 Snow Hydrology and Modelling ................................................................................................................. 43 Session 1: Progress in simulating snow processes and model evaluation.................................................. 44 Session 2: Progress in simulating snow processes and model evaluation.................................................. 50 Poster session – Progress in simulating snow processes and model evaluation & Snow-Atmosphere Interface ...................................................................................................................................................... 55 Session 3: Cryospheric processes - observations and modelling ................................................................ 67 Session 4: Snow in semi-arid environment ................................................................................................. 71 Snow-Atmosphere Interface ...................................................................................................................... 74 Session 1: Prediction of snow melt and run-off .......................................................................................... 75 Session 2: Prediction of snow melt and run-off .......................................................................................... 80 Session 3: Climate change, snow conditions and water supply ................................................................. 85 Session 4: Climate change, snow conditions and water supply ................................................................. 90.

JURAS, R. – **VYSTAVNA, Y. – **HNILICOVÁ, S.Disturbed forest affects the hydrological processes in a small mountain catchment. 2020, .

SOUČKOVÁ, M. – JURAS, R.Mapping snow avalanche releases by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in Krkonoše mountain range - the Czech Republic. 2020, .

JURAS, R. – BLÖCHER, J. – **JENÍČEK, M. – MARKONIS, I. – **LEDVINKA, O.How can rain-on-snow events contribute to the stream runoff. 2020, .

**VYSTAVNA, Y. – **HOLKO, L. – **HEJZLAR, J. – **PERSOIU'S, A. – **GRAHAM, N. – JURAS, R. – **HUNEAU, F. – **GIBSON, J. Isotopic response of run-off to forest disturbance in small mountain catchments. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 2018, roč. 2018, č. 38, s. 3650-3661. ISSN: 1099-1085.

**WÜRZER, S. – **WEVER, N. – JURAS, R. – **LEHNING, M. – **JONAS, T. Modeling liquid water transport in snow under rain-on-snow conditions considering preferential flow. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2017, roč. 21, č. 3, s. 1741-1756. ISSN: 1027-5606.

JURAS, R. – **WÜRZER, S. – PAVLÁSEK, J. – VITVAR, T. – **JONAS, T. Rainwater propagation through snowpack during rain-on-snow sprinkling experiments under different snow conditions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2017, roč. 21, č. 9, s. 4973-4987. ISSN: 1027-5606.

JURAS, R. – PAVLÁSEK, J. – VITVAR, T. – ŠANDA, M. – HOLUB, J. – JANKOVEC, J. – LINDA, M. Isotopic tracing of the outflow during artificial rain-on-snow event. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, roč. 2016, č. 541, s. 1145-1154. ISSN: 0022-1694.

BLAHŮT, J. – PAVLÁSEK, J. – JURAS, R. – KLIMEŠ, J. – KLOSE, Z. – BALEK, J. – ROUBÍNEK, J. – TÁBOŘÍK, P. – HÁJEK, P. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); Snow-avalanche hazard forecasting in the Krkonoše Mountains, Czechia. 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014, held 27 April - 2 May, 2014 in Vienna, Austria.

JURAS, R. – PAVLÁSEK, J. – DĚD, P. – TOMÁŠEK, V. – MÁCA, P. A portable simulator for investigating rain-on-snow events. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GEOMORPHOLOGIE, 2013, roč. 57, č. Suppl. 1, s. 73-89. ISSN: 0372-8854.

JURAS, R. – VLČEK, O. Srovnání smogových varovných a regulačních systémů pro PM10 podle staré a nové legislativy. Ochrana ovzduší, 2013, roč. 2013, č. 3, s. 20-26. ISSN: 1211-0337.

JURAS, R. – PAVLÁSEK, J. – BLAHŮT, J. – BAŠTA, P. – KLOSE, Z. – MOUDRÝ, V. – BALEK, J. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); New tool for avalanche forecasting in the Krkonoše Mountains. 2013, International Snow Science Workshop Grenoble – Chamonix Mont-Blanc - 2013.

KLOSE, Z. – PAVLÁSEK, J. – JURAS, R. – ROUBÍNEK, J. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); Spatial distribution of HBV-ETH model. 2013, International Snow Science Workshop Grenoble – Chamonix Mont-Blanc - 2013.

JURAS, R. – BAŠTA, P. – PAVLÁSEK, J. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); Simulace dešťových srážek na sněhovou pokrývku. 2012, For study of rain-on-snow events was employed special rainfall simulator constructed for these kinds of experiments. The main aim of these experiments was to investigate influence of precipitation to snow cover within the various degree of metamorphosis. Snow cover causes time lag of water discharge and amount of stored water inside the snow matrix. Both of these snow properties are crucial for hydrological cycle. Six simulations of precipitation with various intensity, duration and various frequency of repetition were carried out during the melting period 2011. Temperature was measured in several places of the system, which means that temperatures of snow, incoming/outcoming water and air were recorded. Hydrologic response of snow cover was always very quick and amount of stored water in the snow matrix was approximately from 0.8 to 5 % volumetric. The experiments showed that simulation of rain-on-snow events is very suitable tool for investigating of liquid water behaviour in snow..

JURAS, R. – BAŠTA, P. – PAVLÁSEK, J. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); Separace odtoku ze sněhové pokrývky pomocí stabilního izotopu ?2H. 2012, Simulace dešťových srážek na sněhovou pokrývku slouží k modelování odtoku. Při klasické simulace je problematická separovat jednotlivé složky odtoku, především tavnou a srážkovou vodu. Pro identifikaci jednotlivých složek byl použit stabilní isotop deuterium, kterým byla obohacena vstupní srážková voda. .

JURAS, R. – KAVAN, J. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); INVESTIGATION OF RUNOFF SOURCES DUE TO CHANGES IN WATER ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION - ELSA RIVER, CENTRAL SVALBARD. 2012, Two investigations of hydrologic regime and isotopic changes of ?2H and ?18O were carried out in the Elsa river catchment (fig. 1) during the field campaign in August 2012. Elsa River originates from the Elsabreen glacier in the area of Petuniabukta in Svalbard archipelago (78.6969°N, 16.4101°E). Elsa river channel is approximately 3 km long with quite high elevation gradient. This represents an example of braided river typical for this region. This means that the river flows in unstable channel/channels and carry large amounts of sediment load. Two sampling and measuring campaigns were carried out to study the flow rate changes and diurnal regime of the river flow. The largest changes in discharge in the catchment are related to precipitation events. Significant changes - especially strong diurnal regime - are however related to air temperatures and radiation level. Ice and snow melt stands for the main contributor to runoff. Melt water originating from Elsabreen glacier and adjacent snow fields as well as the melting permafrost layer are main sources of water available for runoff during summer season. Investigating the ratio of melt water added by glacier and melt water added by the snow fields was the main task of the survey. Best way to investigate the amount of contribution of different sources was to analyse stable isotopes 2H and 18O naturally presented in terrestrial water system as a part of a water molecule. Concentration of these isotopes is expressed as ?2H and ?18O, which is defined by VSMOW (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) and mainly depends on the temperature when the precipitation fell down. This isotopic hydrograph separation is commonly used for separation of a melt water ratio from the total outflow bringing very valuable results. .

JURAS, R. – BAŠTA, P. – SPUSTA, V. – KOCIÁNOVÁ, M. – ŠPATENKOVÁ, I. – PAVLÁSEK, J. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); Water saturated avalanches in the Krkonoše Mts.. 2012, A database of avalanche occurrence in the Krkonoše Mts. and their basic description has been created since the winter season 1961/62. 869 records of different types of avalanches, classified after De Quervain et al. (1973), were gathered until the season 2005/2006 (Spusta et al. 2006). This database includes 243 cases (28 %) of mixed type - C7 (dry-wet) snow valanches and 82 cases (9,4 %) of wet snow avalanches - C2. Full-depth avalanches represent portion of 8 % and 32 % respectively in these categories. We have focused on four avalanches, which were classified as full-depth very wet valanches. The photographic documentation (e.g. FIGURE 3) proves that these valanches were triggered by presence of flowing water in the saturating zone and seem to be very similar to slushflows or slush avalanches described by Rapp (1960) from northern Sweden. Since the slushflows and slush avalanches have been known, a great attention has been paid to these phenomena, because the consequences of their occurrence are often destructive for the human property and human life (Hestnes 1985, Hestnes et andersen 1998, Perov 1998). .

JURAS, R. – BAŠTA, P. – PAVLÁSEK, J. – GDULOVÁ, K. Podtyp: Článek v nerecenzovaném časopise (mimo kategorie RIV); Stanovení plošného rozložení sněhové pokrývky na Stříbrném hřbetě pomocí GPS. 2011. ISBN: 978-80-02-02290-9 Místo vydání: Praha Název: Hydrologie malého povodí 2011 Strana ve sborníku: 203-212 Vydavatel: Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, v.v.i., Pod Paťankou 30/5, 166 12 Praha 6 .

JURAS, R. – PAVLÁSEK, J. – DĚD, P. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); Simulation of rain-on-snow events by ranfall simulator. 2011. Presentation of newly constructed rainfall simulator, which investigates water behaviour in snowpack..

JURAS, R. – KOCIÁNOVÁ, M. – SPUSTA, V. – BRZEZINSKI, A. – KOŘÍZEK, V. – CINGR, P. – PRETEL, J. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); 50 years of avalanche monitoring, research and practice of mountain rescue service in the Krkonoše/Karkonosze Mts. (Czech/Poland) . 2011. Zhodnocení 50-ti letého monitoringu lavinové aktivity v Krkonoších..

SNOW COVER MEASUREMENT WITH GPS REFERENCE RECEIVERS - Ing. Roman Juras, Ing. Jiří Pavlásek, Ph.D., Ing. Kateřina Gdulová, 2010

Estimation of potencial slushflow occurrence in Krkonoše Mts. using GIS analyse - Ing. Roman Juras, Ing. Jiří Pavlásek, Ph.D., Milena Kociánová (externí), 2010

Výzkum břečkotoků v roce 2010 na KVHEM - Ing. Roman Juras, Ing. Jiří Pavlásek, Ph.D., 2010

Měření sněhové zásoby na Stříbrném hřbetě pomocí referenční GPS - Ing. Roman Juras, Ing. Kateřina Gdulová, 2010

Risk of slushflows in area of the Giant Mountains NP and possibilities of their prediction - Ing. Juras Roman, 2009

Výskyt břečkotoků v Krkonoších - Ing. Juras Roman; Ing. Pavlásek Jiří, Ph.D.; Kociánová Milena, 2009

Retence vody ve sněhové pokrývce - Ing. Juras Roman, 2009

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