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prof. Ing. Pavel Kic, DrSc. (317)

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    • +420 22438 3141
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Kód předmětu Název předmětu

Assessment of Production Technologies on Dairy Farms in Terms of Animal Welfare - , 2024

Effects on the Indoor Environment in a Stable for Horses in Winter: A Case Study. - , 2024

KIC Pavel. Influence of Technological Housing Conditions on the Concentration of Airborne Dust in Dairy Farms in the Summer: A Case Study. Online. Animals. Basel:MDPI AG, roč. 13 (2023), s. 0-0. 2076-2615 Dostupné z: 10.3390/ani13142322

{authors} {year}. {title}. {format} {edition}. {place}{publisher}, {isbn} {doi}

**DA BORSO, F. – KIC, P. – **KANTE, J. Analysis of management, labor and economics of milking systems in intensive goat farms. Agriculture-BASEL, 2022, roč. 12, č. 4, s. 1-14. ISSN: 2077-0472.

KIC, P.; idPublikace = 91334; Název: Influence of External Thermal Conditions on Temperature-Humidity Parameters of Indoor Air in a Czech Dairy Farm during the Summer-- Neexistuje podtyp publikace --

**DEMIREL, B. – **GURDIL, G. – KIC, P. – **BAZ, Y. Development of a Pelleting Machine for Hazelnut Residue Utilization. AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 2021, roč. 52, č. 3, s. 71-78. ISSN: 0084-5841.

NEUBERGER, P. – KIC, P. A Century of Use of SOLOMIT Thermal Insulation Panels. Energies, 2021, roč. 14, č. 21, s. 1-14. ISSN: 1996-1073.

KIC, P. The Role of Life Sciences Universities in Relation and Strategy of Sustainable Development Goals. AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 2020, roč. 51, č. 4, s. 77-81. ISSN: 0084-5841.

**GURDIL, G. – KIC, P. – **DEMIREL, B. – **YAYLAGUL, E. Design and construction of a farm scale evaporative cooling system. AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 2020, roč. 51, č. 2, s. 67-71. ISSN: 0084-5841.

**CHIUMENTI, A. – **DA BORSO, F. – **CHIUMENTI, R. – KIC, P. Applying a mathematical model to compare, choose, and optimize the management and economics of milking parlors in dairy farms. Agriculture-BASEL, 2020, roč. 10, č. 10, s. 1-9. ISSN: 2077-0472.

KIC, P. Electric infrared heating panels as an alternative source of heating for greenhouses . Agronomy Research, 2020, roč. 18, č. 3, s. 2069-2075. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. The course of drying and colour changes of alfalfa under different drying conditions. Agronomy Research, 2019, roč. 17, č. 2, s. 491-498. ISSN: 1406-894X.

TOPOL, M. – KIC, P. – NEUBERGER, P. Reduction of moisture and thermal conductivity of wet walls by special plaster . Agronomy Research, 2019, roč. 17, č. SI1, s. 1235-1245. ISSN: 1406-894X.

CAO, V. – KIC, P. An analysis of influences of blinds and solar radiation on microclimate in office rooms during summer days: A pilot study. Agronomy Research, 2019, roč. 17, č. SI 1, s. 945-956. ISSN: 1406-894X.

**ABOLTINS, A. – KIC, P. Determination of the mass diffusion coefficient of wood by thin-layer drying kinetics . Agronomy Research, 2019, roč. 17, č. 1, s. 5-12. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. – MÜLLER, M. Colour treatment of aluminium roof sheets, a significant operating factor. Manufacturing Technology, 2019, roč. 19, č. 5, s. 780-785. ISSN: 1213-2489.

KIC, P. Drying of inshell walnuts and walnut kernels under different convection conditions.. In 18th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, ERD 2019 22.05.2019, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2019. s. 112-116.

CAO, V. – KIC, P. Effect of shading with trees to improve local temperature conditions.. In 18th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, ERD 2019 22.05.2019, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2019. s. 1423-1429.

CHLÁDEK, L. – KIC, P. – VACULÍK, P. – BRANÝ, P. The impact of used different colored raw materials on colour of produced beer. In Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2019 17.09.2019, Prague. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Kamýcká 129, Prague, 2019. s. 193-198.

KIC, P. Mushroom drying characteristics and changes of colour. In 17th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, ERD 2018 23.05.2018, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2018. s. 432-438.

KIC, P. Influence of housing technology on dust level in cowsheds. In 17th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, ERD 2018 23.05.2018, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2018. s. 24-27.

CAO, V. – KIC, P. Improvement of winter heat balance of workshops. In 17th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, ERD 2018 23.05.2018, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2018. s. 1740-1745.

**ABOLTINS, A. – KIC, P. Influence of air velocity on drying dynamics of alfalfa. In 17th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, ERD 2018 23.05.2018, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2018. s. 1470-1475.

NEUBERGER, P. – **ABOLTINS, A. – KIC, P. Thermal conductivity of construction materials based on gypsum. In 17th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, ERD 2018 23.05.2018, Jelgava. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2018. s. 1624-1627.

KIC, P.; idPublikace = 79189; Název: Suitable conditions in University teaching and learning spaces-- Neexistuje podtyp publikace --

**GAWORSKI, M. – **LEOLA, A. – **KIIMAN, H. – **SADA, O. – KIC, P. – **PRIEKULIS, J. Assessment of dairy cow herd indices associated with different milking systems. Agronomy Research, 2018, roč. 16, č. 1, s. 83-93. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. – NEUBERGER, P. Thermal properties of historic rural building materials in Czechia. ..., 2018, roč. 16, č. Special Issue 1, s. 1077-1084. ISSN: N.

**ABOLTINS, A. – TOMŠŮ, J. – KIC, P. Red clover drying coefficient dependences on air velocity at constant drying temperature. Agronomy Research, 2018, roč. 16, č. 2, s. 313-319. ISSN: 1406-894X.

SURENDER, K. – ČERNÝ, J. – KIC, P. Air-conditioning in the cabins of passenger cars. Agronomy Research, 2018, roč. 16, č. Issue 5, s. 2088-2096. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. – MÜLLER, M. Dust concentration in air during the MDF boards and polystyrene milling operations on CNC milling machine. Manufacturing Technology, 2018, roč. 18, č. 6, s. 923-927. ISSN: 1213-2489.

KIC, P. – RŮŽEK, L. – POPELÁŘOVÁ, E. Concentration of air-borne microorganisms in sport facilities. Agronomy Research, 2018, roč. 16, č. 4, s. 1720-1727. ISSN: 1406-894X.

**MERISALU, E. – **MUGUR, D. – KIC, P. Importance of microclimate conditions and CO2 control in educational buildings: A case study. Agronomy Research, 2018, roč. 16, č. 4, s. 1771-1780. ISSN: 1406-894X.

CAO, V. – KIC, P. Analysis of indoor temperature in the workshop building during the summer: A pilot study. Agronomy Research, 2018, roč. 16, č. 4, s. 1614-1621. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. Effect of different air velocities on convective thin-layer drying of alfalfa for livestock feeding. Agronomy Research, 2017, roč. 15, č. 3, s. 737-744. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. Effect of construction shape and materials on indoor microclimatic conditions inside the cowsheds in dairy farms. Agronomy Research, 2017, roč. 15, č. 2, s. 426-434. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. Influence of air-conditioning on dust level in drivers’ cabin during the harvest of grain. Agronomy Research, 2017, roč. 15, č. 3, s. 745-750. ISSN: 1406-894X.

HROMASOVÁ, M. – KIC, P. – MÜLLER, M. – LINDA, M. Evaluation of quality and efficiency of ventilation equipment by scanning electron microscopy. Agronomy Research, 2017, roč. 15, č. Special Issue 1, s. 1014-1023. ISSN: 1406-894X.

**GAWORSKI, M. – **KAMIŃSKA, N. – KIC, P. Evaluation and optimization of milking in some polish dairy farms differed in milking parlours. Agronomy Research, 2017, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 112-122. ISSN: 1406-894X.

NEUBERGER, P. – KIC, P. The use of unsteady method for determination of thermal conductivity of porous construction materials in real conditions. Agronomy Research, 2017, roč. 15, č. Special Issue I, s. 1119-1126. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KROFOVÁ, A. – MÜLLER, M. – KIC, P. Influence of chemical cleaning of adhesive bonded surface on working environment and adhesive bond quality. Agronomy Research, 2017, roč. 15, č. Special Issue 1, s. 1057-1066. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. – MÜLLER, M. Dust concentration in air during the aluminium alloy AlCu4Mg milling operations. Manufacturing Technology, 2017, roč. 17, č. 5, s. 729-733. ISSN: 1213-2489.

ZEWDIE, R. – KIC, P. Substantial factors influencing drivers comfort in transportation. Agronomy Research, 2017, roč. Volume 15, č. 5, s. 2236-2246. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. Clover drying process by forced convection. In 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development 24.05.2017, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2017. s. 509-514.

KIC, P. Influence of moisture on thermal properties of walls in basements of buildings. In 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development 24.05.2017, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2017. s. 492-495.

CAO, V. – **ZAJÍČEK, M. – KIC, P. Summer ventilation of poultry house for chicken fattening in CFD modelling. In 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development 24.05.2017, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2017. s. 461-466.

ZEWDIE, R. – KIC, P. Noise pollutants in agricultural machinery drivers cabin. In 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development 24.05.2017, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2017. s. 425-430.

**GAWORSKI, M. – KIC, P. Improvement of mobile milking parlours in small dairy farms including technical and functional aspects. In 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development 24.05.2017, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2017. s. 402-407.

**ABOLTINS, A. – PAPEŽ, J. – KIC, P. Wood drying in high air temperature. In 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development 24.05.2017, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2017. s. 1364-1368.

NEUBERGER, P. – KIC, P. Thermal conductivity of natural materials used for thermal insulation. In 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development 24.05.2017, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2017. s. 420-424.


ZEWDIE, R. – KIC, P. Microclimate conditions and stress factors effecting farm machine operators during harvest. In 15th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2016 25.05.2016, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. s. 25-30.

KIC, P. Dust pollution in buildings for housing of meat chickens . In 15th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 25.05.2016, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. s. 45-49.

ABOLTINS, A. – KIC, P. Research in some medical plant drying process. In 15th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 25.05.2016, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. s. 1145-1150.

KOCOVÁ, D. – KIC, P. Technical and economic aspects of thermal insulation of buildings . In 15th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 25.05.2016, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. s. 50-55.

PREJZA, M. – KIC, P. Reduction of moisture in basements of buildings . In 15th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 25.05.2016, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. s. 68-73.

KIC, P. – ABOLTINS, A. – PRIEKULIS, J. Optimization of choosing and evaluation of milking parlors for dairy farms in Latvia . In 15th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 25.05.2016, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. s. 31-36.

ABOLTINS, A. – KIC, P. Bark effect on wood drying dynamics . In 15th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 25.05.2016, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. s. 1151-1155.

KROFOVÁ, A. – KIC, P. Heat recuperation in ventilation system of basement laboratory. In 15th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 25.05.2016, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava; Latvia: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. s. 56-61.

ZEWDIE, R. – KIC, P. Microclimate in drivers’ cabin of combine harvesters . In 6th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2016 07.09.2016, Prague; Czech Republic. Prague: Faculty of Engineering, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, 2016. s. 743-748.

KIC, P. Dust pollution in buildings for chicken fattening. In Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2016 07.09.2016, Prague. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2016. s. 306-311.

PAPEŽ, J. – KIC, P. Standards and real parameters of dairy farm technology in Czech republic. In Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2016 07.09.2016, Prague. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2016. s. 460-465.

ZEWDIE, R. – KIC, P. Transport route segments and stress effect on drivers. Agronomy Research, 2016, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 269-279. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. Microclimatic conditions in the poultry houses . Agronomy Research, 2016, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 82-90. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P.; idPublikace = 70542; Název: Dust pollution in the sport facilities -- Neexistuje podtyp publikace --

TÝBL, J. – KIC, P. Thermal properties and reduction of energy consumption of buildings . Agronomy Research, 2016, roč. 14, č. Special Issue I, s. 1222-1231. ISSN: 1406-894X.

GAWORSKI, M. – LEOLA, A. – SADA, O. – KIC, P. – PRIEKULIS, J. Effect of cow traffic system and herd size on cow performance and automatic milking systems capacity . Agronomy Research, 2016, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 33-40. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KROFOVÁ, A. – KIC, P. – MÜLLER, M. Influence of dust pollution in the laboratory on the strength of adhesive bond. Agronomy Research, 2016, roč. 14, č. , s. 1034-1042. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KROFOVÁ, A. – KIC, P. Ventilation and microclimatic conditions in the laboratory of adhesive bonding. ..., 2016, roč. 14, č. 4, s. 1342-1350. ISSN: N.

SADA, O. – LEOLA, A. – KIC, P. Choosing and evaluation of milking parlours for dairy farms in Estonia. Agronomy Research, 2016, roč. 14, č. 5, s. 1694-1701. ISSN: 1406-894X.

ZEWDIE, R. – WALLACE, E. – KIC, P. Developing countries in Africa and priorities towards implementation of agricultural mechanization. AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 2015, roč. 46, č. 2, s. 35-40. ISSN: 0084-5841.

MALAŤÁK, J. – KIC, P. – SKANDEROVÁ, K.; idPublikace = 67344; Název: Energetic use of solid products of pyrolysis technology-- Neexistuje podtyp publikace --

KIC, P. Mathematical model for optimal arrangement of milking parlor . ..., 2015, roč. 2015, č. , s. 71-79. ISSN: N.

KIC, P. – ZAJÍČEK, M. CFD model of regenerative heat exchanger . Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 2015, roč. 2015, č. , s. 80-93. ISSN: 1682-1130.

ABOLTINS, A. – KIC, P. Forced convection in drying of poultry manure. Agronomy Research, 2015, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 215-222. ISSN: 1406-894X.

PAPEŽ, J. – KIC, P. Heating and ventilation in milking parlours . Agronomy Research, 2015, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 245-252. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. Hot-air distribution in the floor heating. Agronomy Research, 2015, roč. 13, č. 2, s. 494-499. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. Dust pollution in university offices . Agronomy Research, 2015, roč. 13, č. 3, s. 759-764. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. Criteria for optimization of milking parlour on dairy farm. In 14th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2015 20.05.2015, Jelgava, Latvia. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2015. s. 106-111.

ABOLTINS, A. – KIC, P. Comparison of mint plant and pine cone drying by convection . In 14th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2015 20.05.2015, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2015. s. 162-167.

KIC, P. Aerodynamic properties of noise silencers . In 14th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2015 20.05.2015, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2015. s. 57-60.

PAPEŽ, J. – KIC, P. Indoor environment in milking parlor and cowshed during the milking process . In 14th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2015 20.05.2015, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2015. s. 112-118.

ZEWDIE, R. – KIC, P. Selected factors affecting microclimatic conditions in driver's cabin. In 14th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2015 20.05.2015, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2015. s. 61-66.

KIC, P. – ABOLTINS, A. Drying process of two special plants. In 13th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2014 29.05.2014, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, 2014. s. 137-142.

ABOLTINS, A. – KIC, P. Comparison of two methods of poultry manure drying. In 13th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2014 29.05.2014, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava: , 2014. s. 143-149.

KIC, P. The course transport, handling and manipulation machinery in engineering education. In 13th International Scientific Conference on Engineering for Rural Development 2014 29.05.2014, Jelgava; Latvia. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, 2014. s. 466-470.

ZAJÍČEK, M. – KIC, P. Heating of large agricultural and industrial buildings. . ..., 2014, roč. 12, č. 1, s. 237-244. ISSN: N.

KIC, P. – RŮŽEK, L. The microbiological environment in special rooms of university campus. Agronomy Research, 2014, roč. 12, č. 3, s. 837-842. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. – RŮŽEK, L. – POPELÁŘOVÁ, E. Air-conditioning and microbiological environment in the lecture room . Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 2014, roč. 45, č. 2, s. 104-109. ISSN: 1211-3174.

ZAJÍČEK, M. – KIC, P. Longitudinal ventilation of broiler house -- simulation of variants. In 12th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. 23.05.2013, Jelgava. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, 2013. s. 198-202.

KIC, P. – ABOLTINS, A. Convective Drying of Poultry Manure by Different Air Speeds. In 12th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development 23.05.2013, Jelgava. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, 2013. s. 121-125.

KIC, P. Silencers for reduction of fan noise. In 5th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2013, TAE 2013 03.09.2013, Prague. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2013. s. 314-317.

TŮMOVÁ, I. – VACULÍK, P. – KIC, P. – ŠTĚRBOVÁ, Z. Pracovní prostředí ve výzkumných sklenících v letním období roku - stanovení stupně náročnosti práce a mikroklimatických podmínek pracovního prostředí. TZB-info, 2013, roč. 13, č. 4, s. 1-5. ISSN: 1801-4399.

LIŠKA, ING. PH.D., R. – KIC, P. Vlhkost drůbežího trusu při různých sušicích podmínkách. Agritech Science, 2013, roč. 7, č. 1, s. 1-4. ISSN: 1802-8942.

ZAJÍČEK, M. – KIC, P. Simulation of the Broiler House Ventilation. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 2013, roč. 44, č. 1, s. 32-37. ISSN: 1211-3174.

KIC, P.; idPublikace = 60206; Název: Hot-Air Heating of Family Houses with Accumulation of Energy in the Floor-- Neexistuje podtyp publikace --

PAPEŽ, ING., J. – KIC, P. Wood Moisture of Rural Timber Constructions. Agronomy Research, 2013, roč. 11, č. 2, s. 505-512. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. – ZEWDIE, R. Assistance in Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization in Developing Countries. AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 2013, roč. 44, č. 4, s. 31-33. ISSN: 0084-5841.

ZAJÍČEK, M. – KIC, P. CFD Analysis of Broiler House Ventilation Patterns with Respect to the Poultry Welfare. In RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2013: 6th International Scientific Conference on Rural Development - Innovations and Sustainability 28.11.2013, Kaunas, LITHUANIA. Akademija, Kaunas, LITHUANIA: ALEKSANDRAS STULGINSKIS UNIVERSITY, CENTRE RURAL SOCIAL RESEARCH, FAC ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT, 2013. s. 151-156.

KIC, P. – BARRETO, P. – BRITO, M. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); Thermal stability of greenhouse.. 2013, .

KIC, P. – ZILVAR, V. Podtyp: Článek v nerecenzovaném časopise (mimo kategorie RIV); Teplovzdušný rozvod a akumulace tepla z krbu v podlaze. 2013, .

KIC, P. – LIŠKA, R. Zařízení k sušení sypkých nebo objemových materiálů. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví. 23841. 21.05.2012.

KIC, P. – LIŠKA, R. Přístroj pro měření dynamických sil valivých těles. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví. 23863. 24.05.2012.

KIC, P. – LIŠKA, R. Přístroj pro měření dynamických sil valivých těles, Device for measurement of dynamic forces of rolling elements, instrument; dynamic forces; measurement; agricultural products; food products, 2012, GB - Zemědělské stroje a stavby, B - Funkční vzorek, Měření dynamických sil, ČZU v Praze, TF, KTZS, Měřicí přístroj pro rozsah sil 0 až 50 N, přesnost +- 0,1 % rozsahu; délka dráhy 1000 mm, 125 000,- Kč bez DPH, ČZU v Praze, TF, KTZS, 60460709, CZ - Česká republika, A - K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence, A - Poskytovatel licence na výsledek požaduje licenční poplatek, A - Výše vyčerpané části z celkových uznaných nákladů na dosažení výsledku je menší nebo rovna 5 mil. Kč

KIC, P. – LIŠKA, R. Zařízení k sušení sypkých nebo objemových materiálů, Equipment for drying of loose or bulk materials, Drying; agriculture; food; products, 2012, GB - Zemědělské stroje a stavby, B - Funkční vzorek, Zařízení k sušení vzorků, ČZU v Praze, TF, KTZS, Čtyřkomorové konvekční sušicí zařízení s rozsahem rychlostí proudění 0 až 3 m/s, 110 000,- Kč bez DPH, ČZU v Praze, TF, KTZS, 60460709, CZ - Česká republika, A - K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence, A - Poskytovatel licence na výsledek požaduje licenční poplatek, A - Výše vyčerpané části z celkových uznaných nákladů na dosažení výsledku je menší nebo rovna 5 mil. Kč

KIC, P. – KADLEČEK, B. Improvement of heat balance of family house.. In Engineering for rural development 24.05.2012, Jelgava. Jelgava: , 2012. s. 134-138.

KIC, P. – RŮŽEK, L. – LEDVINKA, Z. – ZITA, L. – GARDIÁNOVÁ, I. Pollution of indoor environment in poultry housing.. In Engineering for rural development 24.05.2012, Jelgava. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, 2012. s. 480-483.

ZAJÍČEK, M. – KIC, P. Improvement of The Broiler House Ventilation Using The CFD Simulation . Agronomy Research, 2012, roč. 10, č. 1, s. 235-242. ISSN: 1406-894X.

LIŠKA, R. – KIC, P. Characteristics of drying process of poultry manure at various temperatures. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 2011, roč. 42, č 2, s. 79-86. ISSN: 1211-3174.

KIC, P. – ZAJÍČEK, M. Využití CFD při projektování nových i modernizovaných stájí . Náš chov, 2011, roč. 71, č 9, s. 66-68. ISSN: 0027-8068.

KIC, P. – ZAJÍČEK, M. Education of indoor environmental engineering technology. Agronomy Research, 2011, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 83-90. ISSN: 1406-894X.

KIC, P. – ZAJÍČEK, M. Podtyp: Článek v nerecenzovaném časopise (mimo kategorie RIV); A numerical CFD method for the broiler house ventilation analysis. 2011. Publikováno v zahraničním oponovaném neimpaktovaném vědeckém časopise: Journal of Information technology in Agriculture (JITAg), Vol 4, 2011, No1, 7 p., ISSN: 1546-959X .

KIC, P. Podtyp: Článek v nerecenzovaném časopise (mimo kategorie RIV); Education of indoor environmental engineering technology. 2011. Recenzovaný vědecký zahraniční časopis, mino RIV. Časopis Agronomy Research Svazek periodika 9 Číslo periodika Special issue 1 Počet stran 8 Strana od 83 Strana do 90 .

KIC, P. – ZAJÍČEK, M. New methods in education of HVAC for ERABEE. In Engineering for rural development 26.05.2011, Jelgava. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering., 2011. s. 20-25.



KIC, P.; idPublikace = 50652; Název: VÝUKA OBORU ZEMĚDĚLSKÁ TECHNIKA A BIOSYSTÉMOVÉ INŽENÝRSTVÍ V EVROPĚ-- Neexistuje podtyp publikace --

KIC, P. – ZAJÍČEK, M. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); VĚTRÁNÍ HALY PRO VÝKRM KUŘAT. 2010. Přiřazené granty Zhodnocení problematiky zpracování trusu v chovu nosnic a návrh způsobu měření vlhkosti trusu Vliv technologických a provozních aspektů na chov a pohodu slepic nosného typu Náhled: Článek ve sborníku z akce (publikovaná přednáška – proceeding) ID 821 Kód ISBN 978-80-02-02202-2 Kód ISSN Místo vydání Praha Název sborníku 19. konference klimatizace a větrání 2010 Počet stran 7 Strana od 71 Strana do 77 Název nakladatele Společnost pro techniku prostředí Datum zahájení 03.02.2010 Místo konání Praha Typ akce CST - Celostátní akce .

KIC, P. – JURČA, V. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORKS OF BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING STUDIES IN CZECH REPUBLIC. 2010. Kód ISBN 978-960-6806-13-1 Kód ISSN Místo vydání Athens Název sborníku QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORKS OF BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING STUDIES Počet stran 7 Strana od 40 Strana do 46 Název nakladatele Agricultural University of Athens Datum zahájení 29.04.2010 Místo konání Praha Typ akce EUR - Evropská akce .

KIC, P. – ZAJÍČEK, M. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); Broiler house ventilation, CFD analysis of variants. 2010. Kód ISBN 978-975-7636-71-7 Kód ISSN Místo vydání Samsun Název sborníku ITAFFE´10 Proceedings. 3rd International congress on information and communication technologies in agriculture, food, forestry and environment Počet stran 6 Strana od 126 Strana do 131 Název nakladatele Ondokuz Mayis University Datum zahájení 14.06.2010 Místo konání Samsun Typ akce WRD - Celosvětová akce .

KIC, P. – TŮMOVÁ, I. – FERNÁNDEZ, E. – HLAVÁČ, Z. MICROCLIMATIC CONDITIONS IN TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL GREENHOUSES IN THE WINTER PERIOD. Agricultura tropica et subtropica, 2010, roč. 43, č. 2, s. 1 - 5. ISSN: 0231-5742.

KIC, P. – ZAJÍČEK, M. Větrání haly pro výkrm kuřat. Vytápění, větrání, instalace, 2010, roč. 19, č. 5, s. 234 - 236. ISSN: 1210-1389.

KIC, P. – CHLÁDEK, L. MICROCLIMATE IN TUTORIAL AND RESEARCH BREWERY DURING WINTER SEASON. In 4th International Conference TAE 2010, Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2010 07.09.2010, Prague. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague; Faculty of Engineering, 2010. s. 311-315.

LIŠKA, R. – KIC, P. Drying process of poultry manure at various temperatures. In Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2010 07.09.2010, Prague. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague; Faculty of Engineering, 2010. s. 398-400.

KIC, P. – LIŠKA, R. Analysis of light propagation in enriched cages for laying hens. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 2009, roč. 40, č. 1, s. 47 - 51. ISSN: 1211-3174.

KIC, P. – JURČA, V. Podtyp: Příspěvek ve sborníku (mimo kategorie RIV); RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN THE FIRST TWO CYCLES OF BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN CZECH REPUBLIC. 2009. 837 978-960-6806-12-4 Athens Proceedings of the 4th ERABEE Workshop on RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN THE FIRST TWO CYCLES OF BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY STUDIES 4 52 55 Agricultural University of Athens 16.11.2009 Valetta EUR - Evropská akce .


SPECIFIC PRODUCTIONS AND AIR FLOWS FOR POULTRY - prof. Ing. Kic Pavel, DrSc.; Ing. Neckář Jan, 2009

TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY IN GREENHOUSES DURING THE WINTER PERIOD - prof. Ing. Kic Pavel, DrSc.; Ing. Tůmová Ivana; Ing. Hlaváč Zdeněk; doc. Dr. Ing. Cusimamani Eloy Fernández, Ph.D.; doc. Dr. Ing. Fernández Eloy, 2009

AIR STREAMS IN BUILDING FOR BROILERS - prof. Ing. Kic Pavel, DrSc.; Ing. Zajíček Milan, 2009

COMPUTER PROGRAM IN DESIGN OF LIGHTING FOR LAYERS - Ing. Liška Radek; prof. Ing. Kic Pavel, DrSc., 2009

AIR CONDITIONS IN SPECIAL GREENHOUSES DURING THE WINTER PERIOD - Ing. Tůmová Ivana; prof. Ing. Kic Pavel, DrSc.; Ing. Hlaváč Zdeněk; doc. Dr. Ing. Cusimamani Eloy Fernández, Ph.D.; doc. Dr. Ing. Fernández Eloy, 2009

AIR FLOWS IN VENTILATION OF POULTRY HOUSING - Ing. Neckář Jan; prof. Ing. Kic Pavel, DrSc.; Ing. Liška Radek, 2009


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Rozvoj a inovace laboratoře techniky prostředí MSM 2005 - 2005
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